tag: 網路寫手, 網路作家, 網路小說
Provided by BibleGateway.com website, there are two pretty cool features for your blog.
1. The Daily Bible Verse featureI added this for my blog as well (above). Just add the following html code into your blog element.
*For Blogger.com, it is customize/template/page elements/add a page elements/html java script
↑ This is the New International Version. You can also choose different versions and languages from BibleGateway.com
This is what your blog will show (Chinese version) ↓
2. Bible Search
*這是一個聖經章節找尋的工具,可以打入關鍵字或章節名稱找尋,不過只有英文版的。Lookup a word or passage in the Bible
Include this form on your page
Great tool! Here is the html code
tag: 檸檬汁, 愛情
Posted by limonadagurl at 08:33 2 评论
標籤: 檸檬水(部落格外掛), 葡萄酒(God)
(Click the image to the game)
I'm like addicted to this game! OMG.. I've been playing this all afternoon! My highest score so far is 10960. Come and compete!!!!
超好玩的遊戲!很容易上癮說....=.= 你必須要把三個同種的動物成一條線排在一起,有點像俄羅斯方塊!好玩ㄝ!
Go to the first version/玩第一代
ps. Newest update...最新消息
My highest score is 100225, 134127, 158473, 210919, 291404, 323563
tag: 遊戲, 線上遊戲, 機智遊戲
I went to Curtis Orchard this weekend and got a whole bag of Gala apples!!! Soooo delicious! So today I decided to pack a couple of apples to school. Yeah... so I guess apple is supposed to be easy to eat? SO NOT!!!! I realize I don't know how to bite an apple!!!!! It's soooo difficult! The juice kept dripping and it got my hands dirty and I don't really know how to bite without being dripping and dirty..... =.= I guess some people are just better with knife.