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African Leadership

This organization is found by two of the Southwestern Co. alum. The idea of African Leadership is to bring Lord Jesus Christ to their lives and help them to cope their difficulties (many of them related to HIV/AIDS). I remember I was watching the video over the summer introducing African Leadership. This woman gave birth to a little girl while having HIV. She named her child Hopeless because she knows this little girl has no future with the desease. However, African Leadership introduce her to God and prayer. She then changed her daughter to Hope because now they have new motivation to live. It's amazing to how religion helps people in different ways.

Fact about HIV in Africa
*24.5 million people were living with HIV at the end of 2005 in Sub-Saharan Africa and *approximately 2.7 million additional people were affected with HIV during that year.
*In South Africa and Zambia, around 15-20% of adults are infected with HIV
*Countries like Swaziland (33.4%), Lesotho (23.2%) and Botswana (24.1%) have more than 20% of people affected by HIV
*There are over 14 million children under age 16 worldwide who have been orphaned by AIDS and about one million are in Ethiopia.
*There are more than 30,000 children die in Africa because of HIV
(source: AVERT, SOS Children's Village )

More Information about African Leadership and its sponsored organization Action International
African Leadership Youtube Video


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